Annual birthday celebrations at Disney World are just the best! Each year we celebrate our children's birthdays at Disney World. We've created our own birthday traditions and I'm excited to share them with you. My almost 4 years old knows the Disney birthday celebration drill and has already put in his birthday celebration requests. Today I'm sharing a glimpse into our birthday traditions and how they don't have to be elaborate to be special. We are Disney locals and Annual Passholders but our simple traditions can be replicated by anyone visiting the Orlando area for magical birthday celebrations. I think our traditions are so wonderful they should be "stolen", so feel free to adopt our simple toddler birthday celebrations at Disney World!
Disney World Toddler Birthday Celebration Breakdown
Four Year Old Disney Birthday
Let's start with our oldest. This February he celebrates his 4th Birthday at Walt Disney World. My most favorite thing about his Disney World tradition is his annual photo. It brings tears to my eyes to see this photo over the years in the same spot in front of the castle. We let him dictate the day and when that happens a tradition is formed where we do the same things annually, his most favorite things! Here is how we run through his Birthday at the Magic Kingdom each year.
- The first ride of the day at the Magic Kingdom is his favorite Pirates of the Caribbean. He has always loved this ride even as an infant and his love for villains is alive and well! We can't begin our day until he rides Pirates and soaks up the entire area including the show with Jack Sparrow and exploring the shop. I'm certain he has every item from the Pirates of the Caribbean gift shop including the costumes, but he makes certain as he strolls the shop for his Birthday present.
- Next, we grab his free Birthday button. I, later on, take it to the Christmas store at Disney Springs to have the font personalized for a keepsake. He shows off his button all over the park!
- We then grab lunch at Pinocchio Village so he can get chicken (his favorite) while he watches people get on the It's a Small World ride. He sings It's A Small World often and he can't get enough of waving at people as they enter the ride. Pinocchio Village tends to give him a free Birthday brownie when he shows off his Birthday button so he knows that's a safe spot for a special treat.
- Now it's time for our Lincoln to take part in the dance party in the street event. We have videos of him dancing with the cast members each year and just like his annual photo this experience makes me happy and emotional.
- We end his birthday celebration with a simple stroll down Main Street USA. I know he feels in charge and he's taken over his favorite sections of Magic Kingdom with pride on his special day.
As you can tell his tradition is really just letting him be in charge of things at his favorite park doing his favorite things. I can't recommend a traditional photo taking spot enough!
Two Year Old Disney Birthday
Sebastian, our youngest, turns 2 this year and I'm pumped about following his Birthday tradition this year! His birthday celebration at Disney differs much from his brother's, which makes it super exciting for us all. We are pass holders that are blocked out on December 26th, our babies birthday, so we improvised! We spend our littlest birthday at Disney Springs and we make sure it's as epic as the Magic Kingdom would be. Here's how his Birthday celebration looks.
- We arrive and enter the World of Disney store as it opens. This is where we get his Birthday button and one for his brother to wear showing that he's celebrating his brothers special day too! We let him explore the store and pick out a toy of his liking for his birthday. We tend to have to help him narrow it down, but giving him free rein in World of Disney store is the cutest thing; I'd imagine it would feel like giving us adults free rein in a way too.
- We then head to Rain Forest Cafe for an early lunch. This is one of our son's favorite places to eat and explore at. Letting him walk all around before and after the meal makes for a fun lengthy experience. We're members of their dining club which gives you $20 toward a birthday, which we use for him!
- Next up is play time in the Lego store. What kid doesn't love that?! He plays until he decides it's time to go (and by playing I mean talk to the Buzz and Hulk statue for 20 minutes each).
- We wrap up his special day with a BIG sundae at Ghirardelli. Then we sing happy birthday and let him dive in. And last, of course, we share his birthday dessert together, but let him be in charge about it. Ghirardelli is the perfect place for a birthday dessert and with the open seating outside there's plenty of space to allow families to sit, sing, and celebrate.
Just like his brothers Disney birthday celebration, we let him take the lead and do his favorite things at Disney Springs. I think the key to an epic toddler birthday is letting them feel like they run the show! Let's be real because they truly do run it. Let your little one pick out their gifts, eating spots, and rides. While the boys are young their traditions will look the same as they prefer the same exact rides or stores. However, as they grow the traditions will too. I hope you enjoyed a look into our toddlers birthday celebrations at Disney World and have taken some inspiration from out simplicity!

You can find me pushing a double stroller through the magic most days.
I'm a toddler boy mom that has a passion for Florida living and all things Disney! As a Florida native and self proclaimed Disney staycation pro, I look forward to guiding you through the magic.