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H2O Plus Retiring at the End of Year

H2O Plus Retiring at the End of Year

H20Plus, the provider of bath products for Disney Parks & Resorts and Disney Cruise Line, has announced they will “retire the brand at the end of the year." When you go to their website you will find this message:

THANK YOU FOR 33 YEARS. After 30+ amazing years of innovation, we have made the very difficult decision to retire the brand at the end of the year. Shop your favorites on Amazon while supplies last.

The official paperwork notes that H2O PLUS will fulfill its obligation to supply products, etc., in accordance with agreements with its business partners, and proceed with dissolution procedures during the second half of 2023. So we suspect Disney Park will continue to have the same products at the resorts until mid-next year.

No word yet on what will replace the beloved Disney shampoo and other bath products at Disney Parks. Stay tuned for more updates and let us know in the comments below who you would like to see take over as Disney Parks and Resorts official bath product brand!