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DIY Disney Easter Burlap Wreath

DIY Disney Easter Burlap Wreath

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The Disney Easter Burlap Wreath is a great way to add some Disney to your Easter decorations this year. We are going to cover step by step instructions on how you make this wreath and best of all it's on the cheap. Everything we used was from the Dollar Tree (I spent just $9 to make this). Even better for those of you on a time crunch, it was under an hour to make as well.

Supplies from Dollar Tree for Easter Burlap Wreath

Supplies Needed (all found at the Dollar Tree):

Where to Start Building your Burlap Wreath

Begin by cutting 12 six-inch pieces of floral wire (these will be used to secure the ends of the burlap. Next, open your first roll of burlap and secure the end to the bottom edge of the first section of the metal ring.

DIY Disney Easter Burlap Wreath 1

Now you are ready to pull the burlap up from the bottom section of the ring, creating an approximately 2 ½ inch loop. Repeat the loop on the section above and finally on the third section to complete your first row. At the top of the row, on the backside of the wreath, twist the burlap and then pull the burlap up between the bottom section of the ring, and repeat all the steps of the first row.

DIY Disney Easter Burlap Wreath 2

After you have completed two rows, slide the burlap to the right edge, and this will create the curves and details for your wreath. You should be able to fit six rows of burlap (from bottom to top) in each section of the metal ring sections with each roll of burlap. You simply repeat this process for each section, either by using the same color or alternating colors.

Easter burlap wreath in progress

Decorating your Wreath

Now for the fun! Add seasonal accessories around the wreath. You can let your creativity run wild - Add signs, bows or characters to support your theme.

The Easter Eggs I found at the Dollar Tree I just took a Sharpie and added some hidden Mickey's to them : )

Adding hidden Mickeys to Easter Eggs

Adding hidden Mickeys to Easter Eggs


Tsum Tsum Disney Easter Burlap Wreath

Tsum Tsum Disney Easter Burlap Wreath


DIY Disney Easter Burlap Wreath 3

For this wreath, I added some Burlap carrots and a chick. Both of which I got on clearance at Kirkland's a couple of years ago!


  • You can make larger or smaller wreaths.
  • You can use wider burlap.
  • Use a neutral color of burlap and just change accessories for each holiday.
  • Have fun!

The options are really endless with a burlap wreath! I recommend you experiment and mix in things that match with the decor you have in your home. If you decide to make this Disney Easter Burlap Wreath please share your pictures with us on social media!