When I became momma I received a stroller and car seat combo at my shower that was the prettiest option for a boy. Fast forward months later and the baby outgrew the car seat that fits in the stroller and the stroller wasn't ideal for walks or any type of road outside of the aisles of Target. So, we purchased a new stroller, a jogging stroller that I still love to this day.
Then came baby 2 and we had to find something that fit both boys, insert the double stroller. The reason I share all of this with you is that it took us 2 years and 3 strollers to find the best fit for us and our active lifestyle with 2 toddler boys. Our boys are Disney babies through and through and we needed a stroller to match that. There are a few things to look for when it comes to the best stroller for Disney World. As a mom of a 4-year-old and 2-year old that have been visiting Disney weekly since they were infants, I feel confident sharing my stroller preferences for those with toddlers and infants to reference for their upcoming Disney trip. Bookmark this page for the things to look for in the best stroller for Disney World.
Best Stroller for Two Kids at Disney World
We truly took our time selecting a double stroller... hours of research, reading reviews, asking friends, asking strangers at the theme park and on and on. After ample research was completed we selected the Graco Ready 2 Grow to Connect Stroller. This stroller has several options for 2 children including the ability to snap in an infant car seat in the front or back. This stroller gives the option to rearrange the kids in a variety of ways. As the kids grow they literally grow with this stroller and you can easily disconnect the seating to rearrange where the oldest and youngest sit. Once my oldest hit age 3 he preferred the back where the standing area is. He can sit down or stand facing either direction when we roll around the theme park. As you know toddlers don't want to miss a thing, so he can stand up and get the best view while he's being pushed around.
Another thing I like about this specific double stroller is the covers for each child so you can cover them in the Florida heat and clip on a stroller fan for each child. During the brutal summer months, we attach 2 stroller fans on each canopy cover where it fits best for each child. My Disney Starbucks fits perfectly in the front cup holder too and we all know that's important info!
Regardless of how many children you have and if you opt for a double or single stroller one thing to look for it plenty of storage room. Our double stroller fits so much in the undercarriage. We often clip the backpack diaper bag to the front and slide jackets, lunch boxes, toys, etc. in the bottom. I have actually fit all of those items plus the backpack diaper bag in the bottom of this stroller which is so nice to have everything out-of-the-way so the kids can jump on and off as needed.
Best Stroller for One Child at Disney World
The best stroller hands down for 1 child at any age is a jogging stroller. The wheels on a jogging stroller are ideal for all terrain, especially the Disney roads. Try a regular stroller then push a jogging stroller the next time you're in a baby store and you'll be blown away. A jogging stroller is slightly larger because of the wheel size, but the smoothness and glide it provides on all pavement types are fantastic.
I personally feel like a jogging stroller is the Cadillac of strollers. While I use my double stroller most often I have brought the jogging stroller into the park on occasion when I take just one child and it's a breeze. Most jogging strollers have the option to allow you to snap an infant car seat in it and then transition into a regular seat for the babies. I would suggest finding one with a canopy that moves all the way forward as some have limited canopy use as it might be attached to the back of the stroller. With the sunlight in Florida, you'll want to be able to move the canopy to cover baby while he/she sleeps at Disney World or while they rest between fast passes.
For those who have 2 children that don't want a double stroller, you can purchase the stand section that attaches to the back of the stroller for the older child to use. Keep in mind that when you're at Disney World kids get tired, so the stand might not be enough. Your kid might want to actually sit down, but I see many children standing on the back of single strollers and it works! Consider the older child's age too... even 7-year-olds get exhausted from the walking at Disney, I know as a 34-year old I do!
My biggest Disney World stroller tip is to avoid renting the ones at the theme parks. While it is a blessing they offer them they are not the most comfortable, they sit very low to the ground which vibrates the kid, and they don't offer much for storage or coverage from the sun. The current rental rate is $15.00 per day for a single and $31.00 per day for a double.
Enjoy Disney and guide that stroller through the magic like a boss because I do weekly wink. Do you have a favorite stroller you like to take to Disney World? Let us know in the comment section below! For more tips on bringing little ones to Disney World read Make the Most of Waiting in Disney Lines with Toddlers.

You can find me pushing a double stroller through the magic most days.
I'm a toddler boy mom that has a passion for Florida living and all things Disney! As a Florida native and self proclaimed Disney staycation pro, I look forward to guiding you through the magic.