A family visit to Disney World is something you and the kids will not likely forget. However, it can make for extremely long days which means it’s important to bring along all the items you might need. This will make the visit so much more enjoyable. If you have little ones that require a stroller, this is the perfect opportunity to expound upon these handy stroller accessories perfect for Disney World.
Universal Stroller Organizer
This organizer has two insulated cup holders which can fit most baby bottles, coffee cups, soda bottles, etc. There’s also extra storage for your phone, diapers, and other things you might need to carry along with you. This is detachable with a strap so if you need to run into the bathroom with it, you can grab and go. If you want one that doesn’t utilize the handlebar area, and sits lower on the stroller, there’s this Baby Jogger Cooler Bag.
SnoozeShade with Blackout Option
It’s never a good thing for a baby or small toddler to get too much sun. Not to mention, they always need a bit of a nap or a place to relax on such long, hot days such as visiting Disney World. This shield offers a break from the sun as well as a blackout option for your child to get full protection from the sun and a nice, private, and cozy spot to take a nap. No worries about your child getting too hot behind the shield since it’s made out of mesh material for a breathable aspect.
Stroller Hooks
We all know there’s going to be a lot of shopping, leftover food, or random toys that will get picked up while in Disney World. Plus, with children, there will be diaper bags, purses, and Lord only knows what else. These stroller hooks can quickly and easily be attached to any stroller for a non-slip answer to all those random bags and items. These Organizer Clips are also another great option similar to these stroller hooks.
J.L. Side Sling
As I just mentioned, when kids are involved, especially at Disney World, there is going to be a ton of random stuff to keep organized and together. That’s why it’s nice to utilize the stroller and the extra space it can provide. This side sling attaches to the side of the stroller, isn’t overly bulky, and adds a great extra spot for random supplies and items gathered as you make your journey through the park.
Baby Buddy Secure-A-Toy
When you have a baby, odds are, they’re going to be in the stroller for a better part of the day. Toys will be mandatory to keep them busy and amused. However, we all know children can have the habit of tossing their toys out of the stroller. Not only can this result in losing the toy or toys, it may mean a dirty toy with who knows what, on it. In order to avoid this, use this handy secure-a-toy to ensure the toys stay clean and in place.
Stroller Accessory Kit
This all in one kit has a little bit of everything to make your trip to Disney World a success. It comes with two adjustable clips, four S hooks, a mesh bag for random items, and five various cup holders of different types and sizes. This is a kit you won’t want to go on a trip without even if it’s not to Disney World.
Snack Pod
We all know how expensive absolutely everything, including snacks, is at Disney World. However, little ones are going to want to snack throughout the day. Of course, Disney World will allow you to bring in your own but, who wants to get down in the diaper bag every time the kids want a little something to nibble? That will make for a long day. This snack pod clips right onto the stroller so you can pull out a snack without even stopping the stroller.
Finding stroller accessories perfect for Disney World is going to greatly rely on you and your family. The age of the child (or children) will make a big difference, how long you plan on going for the day, etc. Be sure to plan accordingly and these accessories that I’ve listed here should be a great start or inspiration on how to ensure you’re ready to go for your big Disney World adventure or maybe you will find something that will make your everyday travels easier!

I have been visiting the parks annually since my parents first brought me at just a year old. Recently I was able to fulfill my life long dream of being a Florida local and moved from the wintery Northeast to the sunshine and fun of central Florida. Now I am hoping to share my Disney knowledge with you so you can have the best vacation possible!