We are all attached to our phones these days and that means keeping your phone charged all day long in a theme park can be a challenge. Phones are often our means for taking pictures and keeping in touch with family members if they separate from the group to enjoy something different at Disney for a bit. We have compiled our list of the best tips to keep your phone charged at Disney all day long.
Portable Battery Bricks for Cell Phones
This is our favorite method of keeping our phones charged! We normally carry around at least two extra bricks with us. We can even use them to charge our video equipment as well so it was a no-brainer for us to invest in this. Plus you can pick up some high quality, high capacity batteries on the cheap now. Our favorite is this Anker External Battery! If you are looking to add a little pizzazz to your external battery check out this BB8 charger!
Find a Charging Case for your Cell Phone
If you do a quick search over on Amazon you will find that there are so many options for battery cell phone cases. This gives you a built in additional battery on top of the one your phone already has. The nice thing about these compared to a portable battery is they are compact and not bulky to carry around. They charge without you having to think about it and don't need any extra wires or cables. We recommend this one for iPhone users! I can't offer a good recommendation for Android since we don't own any of their phones.
Fuel Rods
The FuelRod stations are new throughout all the Disney Theme Parks and Disney Springs. FuelRods is a reusable, portable charging system that allows you to fuel (charge) your mobile device on the go, and then recharge on your own or swap at a location for a fresh one. It costs just $30 to pick up a FuelRods and it even comes with a cable for your phone. This is yours to keep once you purchase it! So for $30 you have a battery for life and you can swap at ANY fuel Rod station for a fuel juiced battery that will give your phone about 8 hours of extra battery life.
So where can you find these kiosks? (Updated April 2017)
The Magic Kingdom
Frontierland – Pecos Bill’s
Main Street – Curtain Call Collectibles
Storybook Circus – Big Top Souvenirs
Tomorrowland – Cosmic Ray’s Starlight Cafe
Tomorrowland – Tomorrowland Light and Power Co (Space Mountain Gift Shop)
Future World – Camera Center
International Gateway – World Traveler
World Showcase Entry – Disney Traders
Hollywood Studios
Hollywood Boulevard – Celebrity 5 & 10
Muppets Courtyard – PizzeRizzo
Sunset Boulevard – Rock Around the Shop (Rock n Roller Coaster Gift Shop)
The Animal Kingdom
Discovery Island – Island Mercantile
Disney Springs
Marketplace – Disney Photo Imaging
ESPN Wide World of Sports
ESPN Clubhouse Shop
HP Field-House
Sports Grill
Resort Hotels
All hotels have FuelRod locations
Bring a Power Strip
There is nothing worse than getting to your hotel, only to find out there aren't enough outlets to charge all your devices. Think about what you bring on vacation with you, cameras, phone, video cameras, handheld gaming system, portable batteries, hair dryers, straighteners, electric toothbrushes and so much more! Disney hotel rooms are limited on outlets and the perfect solution is to pack a power strip. We always bring this guy with us when we travel. But there is also this basic, cheaper option.
Other Ways to Make your Phone Battery Last all Day!
- Set your phone to Airlane Mode. This stops your phone from draining because it shuts off cellular and Bluetooth.
- Close all your open apps. While software has come a long way there are still many apps that will run in the back and drain your battery even if you haven't opened the app in a while. Be sure to close out everything, especially that GPS app you used to find your way to Disney!
- Turn off Bluetooth and WiFi. Disney's WiFi network is to say massive at the least. In order to cover such a large area, Disney has placed Wifi extenders/amplifiers all over the place. Your phone, therefore, needs to constantly be tracking these down and bouncing between them which eats up your phone's battery.
- Dim your screen! The brighter your screen the faster you will drain your power. Plus the Florida sun is bright enough.
- Take a screenshot of your Fastpass+ schedule in MyDisneyExperience and use it as your lock screen. This means you won't have to open your phone to check it throughout the day.
- If more than one person in your party has a cell phone, only use one phone at a time. Power off the others. When the first one runs down, move to the next phone.
- Put on your Mickey watch on and use that to check the time! The less you check your phone the better!
- Go into your preferences and don't allow any apps to use your location while not in use.

I have been visiting the parks annually since my parents first brought me at just a year old. Recently I was able to fulfill my life long dream of being a Florida local and moved from the wintery Northeast to the sunshine and fun of central Florida. Now I am hoping to share my Disney knowledge with you so you can have the best vacation possible!