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The Best Ways to Surprise your Family with a Disney Vacation

The Best Ways to Surprise your Family with a Disney Vacation

There is nothing like surprising someone with the gift of a Disney vacation! Over the years I have seen so many creative ways to do it as well! I thought I would take the time to share with you some magical ways to announce a surprise Disney vacation to your family.

Wrap Up some Disney Balloons

The Best Ways to Surprise your Family with a Disney Vacation 1

Look at this super cute idea we found over at Get Away Today! You can pick up some balloons at your local party store or the Dollar Store even carries some Disney designs. Wrap up the balloons in an oversized box and give to your child. It will be sure to surprise them once they open up your box!

I especially love their idea of Olaf greeting you with a warm hug and a special Disney Trip!

Custom Disney Tickets

The Best Ways to Surprise your Family with a Disney Vacation 2

These custom Disney World tickets are the perfect way to surprise someone with a trip to Disney! Best of all they are only $5 for a set of 4 different tickets!!

Keep these tickets for scrapbooking or a shadow box of your trip. They are a great way to display when you went and who went with you.

Look Who is going to Disney World

Wrap up a mirror in a box and leave a note that says, "Look who is going to Disney World." Bonus points if you are using Belle's Mirror from Beauty and the Beast.

Pack a Suitcase

I love watching these videos on YouTube. The kids are presented with a suitcase that is filled with stuff for their vacation plus some awesome Disney goodies. At first, they are confused, but when the kids figure out they are going to Disney their reaction is priceless.

Some items ideas include:

  • Coloring Books
  • Disney Plush Characters
  • Stickers
  • Costumes
  • Custom Disney T-Shirts
  • Toy Set
  • Luggage Tags
  • Candy and yummy snacks
  • Don't forget some Disney luggage!

Disney Outfit

Disney princess dresses and accessories with trunk

Wrap up a dress fit for a princess! Princess costumes are a common sight when visiting Disney World. We found this trunk with three Disney Princess dresses for just $30 on Amazon!



 Make a Disney Breakfast

The Best Ways to Surprise your Family with a Disney Vacation 3

On the morning of your Disney World vacation, you can make a Mickey-shaped breakfast to let them know just where you are headed next! In order to create this breakfast masterpiece, we used this Mickey toaster and this Mickey waffle maker!




 On the Way to the Airport

There is nothing like pretending it's an average day, pile the kids in the car and announce that you're on the way to the airport.